
Sunday, February 11, 2007

Starting school.

The day that I have dreaded for so long is almost upon me. Tomorrow is my baby's first day of school. Ethan will be starting pre-k and will be going for 2 half days. Part of me is very excited at the fact that I will have a break from the constant flow of words coming out of my 4 year old. The other part of me cannot bear the thought of leaving my baby. I know this is what Ethan needs and it will be great for him. He is a sponge absorbing everything, so I would rather he get knowledge from school than bad habits from my crazy grandma.


Blogger lisa d said...

aww. i can't believe it's time for school already. two days a week sounds like the perfect ease-in, though. he'll love it.

February 11, 2007 2:18 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

so crazy! bowden will be a little jealous..all he talks about is when he gets to go to school.

February 13, 2007 6:48 PM  

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