
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My Brother.

This is one of my favorite pictures of my brother and I. This was how we would take a picture toether...Jimmy would fold his hands and pop his thumbs up, I would sit in his lap and grab onto his thumbs.

My brother was my most favorite person on the planet. Jimmy taught me to skate, swim and surf. I still remember two out of three. I had big plans for him, I knew he would teach me to drive and some day walk me down the aisle. Unfortunately Jimmy was taken from me when I was eleven. I miss him every day of my life but his imprint on my heart will never fade away. Ethan's middle name is James, most people think it is after his father but it is actually for my brother.

I love you Jimmy!


Blogger lisa d said...

i can't imagine for a second a brotherless world. my heart just breaks for you thinking about it. he will never be replaced, but i pray that us wacky richards have been a small consolation. love you!

December 12, 2006 5:34 PM  

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